Bachelor Thesis at Department of Plant-based Foods (150d)
Topic:Investigation of the effects of fungal enzymes on wheat starch
Topic:Spectrophotometric quantification of saponins including extract purification
Master Thesis at Department of Plant-based Foods (150d)
Title: 3D-Printing of foam structures
Project Work at Department of Plant-based Foods (150d)
Topic: Validation and optimization of the sorghum dry-milling process using a lab-scale roller mill
Topic: Assessment of viscosity and shear stability, as well as determination of target values for fruit preparations
Bachelor Thesis at Department Plant-based Foods (150d)
Topic: Assessment of flow behavior, as well as determination of target values for fruit preparations
Topic:Extraction of yeast protein
Topic:Influence of enzymatically induced protein-AX networks on starch gelatinization and thermodynamic properties;
Topic: Functionalization of sainfoin for a circular bioeconomy
Topic:Proteinextraktion from Sainfoin
Topic: Comparison of the baking performance and bread quality of white and golden wheat in the context of conventional and ecological farming
Master Thesis at Department of Plant-based Food (150d)
Topic: Impact of coloured wheat varieties and farming methods on flour composition, dough quality and baking performance
Project Work and Master Thesis at Department of Plant-based Foods (150d)
Topic:Yeast-Protein Functionalization