
In the following, the publications of the department since its foundation in August 2021 are displayed. The complete bibliography of Prof. Dr. Mario Jekle until 2021 can be found below as a pdf-file and all peer-reviewed publications under Researchgate.

Current Publications

Sukop, U., Hoefler, K., Bender, D., D‘Amico, S., Jekle, M., Schoenlechner, R., Domig, K.J.: Effect of wet-fractionation conditions and pulsed-electric field on arabinoxylan and protein recovery from maize. Foods 14 (2025), 760 (10.3390/foods14050760). Open access. Q1.

Peer-reviewed article

Addo, E.O., Wild, S., Yousefi, A., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Insights into the material and 3D printing behaviour of fiber-enriched protein gels. Food Research International 203 (2025), 115873. (10.1016/j.foodres.2025.115873). Open access. Q1.

Peer-reviewed article
Schneider, Y., Zettel, V. Using ground oyster mushroom and chia seeds for the fortification of wheat bread-Nelder–Mead simplex optimisation. Eur Food Res Technol (2025). ( access.Peer-reviewed article

Heckl, M.P., Kratky, T., Jekle, M., Alpers, T., Becker, T.: Characterization of native starch granules from different botanical sources and the contribution of surface-associated lipids and proteins to the accuracy of 3D food printing. Journal of Food Engineering 390 (2025), 112408 (10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2024.112408). Open access.

Peer-reviewed article
Jekle, M.: Plant quality in the future. A scientific perspective. Breeding for supply chains, 2025-02-07, Stuttgart, Germany. 
Derossi, A., Spence, C., Corradini, M.G, Jekle, M., Fahmy, A.R, Caporizzi, R., Devahastin, S., Moses, J.A, Le-Bail, A., Zhou, W., Zhang, M., Bhandari, B, Severini, C.: Personalized, digitally designed 3D printed food towards the reshaping of food manufacturing and consumption. npj Sci Food 8, 54 (2024)
( Open access.
Review article

Swiacka, J., Kima, L., Voss, A., Bork, L.V., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Carrot strips of various origins: Impact on acrylamide formation in baked goods. LWT – Food Science and Technology 204 (2024), 116453 ( Open access. 

Peer-reviewed article

Alpers, T., Panoch, D., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: New insights into crumb formation in model systems: Effects of yeast metabolites and hydration level by means of multiwave rheology. Food Hydrocolloids 155 (2024), 110184 (10.1016/j.foodhyd.2024.110184). Open access.

Peer-reviewed article

Swiacka, J., Kima, L., Voß, Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Special bakery products - Acrylamide formation and bread quality are influenced by potato addition. Journal of Cereal Science 117 (2024), 103926 ( Open access. 

Peer-reviewed article

Yousefi, N., Zahedi, Y., Yousefi, A., Hosseinzadeh, G., Jekle, M.: Development of carboxymethyl cellulose-based nanocomposite incorporated with ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by cress seed mucilage as green surfactant. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 265 (2024), 130849 ( Open access.

Peer-reviewed article

Fribus, R., Kant, J., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Texture modulation of starch-based materials using microfoaming-assisted 3D printing. Future Foods 9 (2024), 100311 (10.1016/j.fufo.2024.100311). Open access.

Peer-reviewed article

Yousefi, A., Ako, K., Jekle, M.: Incorporation of Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum into wheat starch affects its physicochemical, viscoelastic, pasting and freeze-thaw syneresis properties. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 259 (2024), 129344 (10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.129344). Open access.

Peer-reviewed article

Şenol, E., Özcelik, B., Neidhart, S., Leitenberger, M., Jekle, M.: Enzymatic hydrolysis for functionalization of watermelon seed protein from ultrasound-assisted extraction in comparison to soy protein isolate. International Journal of Food Science and Technology 59 (2024), 854–863 ( Open access.

Peer-reviewed article
Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Schaumschläger: Wie pflanzliche Schaumbildner die Qualität glutenfreier Backwaren revolutionieren könnten. Mitgliederversammlung der Deutschen Zöliakiegesellschaft, 2024, 2024-11-23. Stuttgart, Germany.Presentation

Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: From structure to texture: Mechanistic insights into fibrous structures and properties in 3D-printed meat analogues. 38th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Conference, 2024-11-13. Bruges, Belgium.

Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Plant-based surfactants: A path to controlled foam stability and gas retention in gluten-free food systems. 38th European Federation of Food Science and Technology (EFFoST) Conference, 2024-11-13, Bruges, Begium.Presentation
Zettel, V., Jekle, M.: Spektroskopische Überwachung von Sauerteig Fermentationen. 75. Tagung für Bäckereitechnologie, 2024-11-12, Detmold, Germany.Presentation
Jekle, M., Fahmy, A.R.: Potential of linking biointelligence with 3D food printing. 2nd Biointelligence Congress. 2024-10-22. Stuttgart, Germany.
Jekle, M.: Revolutioniert der Lebensmittel-3D-Druck unsere Nahrungsmittelversorgung? Wissenschaftsfestival Stuttgart – Ich habe eine Vision, 2024-10-15. Stuttgart, Germany.Presentation

Swiacka, J., Matthes, C., Wötzel, L, Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Einfluss verschiedener Hydratationsmethoden auf die Acrylamidbildung in Spezialbroten. 10. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2024-10-11. Vienna, Austria.


Kant, J., Longin, F., Jekle, M.: Coloured wheat – technologischer Vergleich verschiedener Sorten und Anbaubedingungen. 10. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2024-10-11. Vienna, Austria. 


Luttmann, M., Blome, A., Segermann, J., Jekle, M., Frahm, B., Müller, U.: Erkenntnisse zur Nutzung von Photogrammetrie für die Untersuchung des Bräunungsverhaltens von Weizenbrötchen. GDL Kongress Lebensmitteltechnologie 2024. 2024-10-10. Lemgo, Germany.


Ndunge Charles, A., Chemutai, S., Mburu, M., Njoroge, D., Zettel, V.: Ernährungsphysiologische Anreicherung von typischem kenianischem Porridge mit Chia und Austernpilzen aus einer nachhaltigen Wertschöpfungskette. 10. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2024-10-10, Vienna, Austria.


Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: How fibrillar structures and spatial configurations define the texture of plant-based anisotropic matrices using additive manufacturing. 6th Food Structure and Functionality Symposium. 2024-10-07, Bruges, Belgium

Kant, J., Call, L.-M., Wenger-Öhm, G., Schönlechner, R., Jekle, M.: Is this Europe's future climate-smart crop? BakingEurope Summer (2024), 8-11.Non-reviewed article
Jekle, M.: Strategien zur Sicherung der Nahrungsmittelversorgung durch Getreide. MüTa24, 2024-09-06, Salzburg, Austria.Presentation

Swiacka, J., Matthes, C., Wötzel, L., Kima, L., Voß, A., Bork, L.V., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn S., Jekle, M.: Conventional and ultrasound-assisted hydration for product-adapted acrylamide reduction in carrot- and potato-based breads. Acrylamide and process formed contaminants: A supply chain approach. 2024-09-04, Brussels, Belgium.

Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Saponin-enriched quinoa extracts as foaming agent to modulate gas retention in glutenfree food matrices. International Quinoa Symposium. 25-07-2024, Stuttgart, Germany.Presentation

Swiacka, J., Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Tagungsbericht: International Cereal and Bread Congress 2024. Cereal Technology 78/2 (2024), April/May/Juni. ISSN: 1869-2303, DOI: 10.23789/1869-2303-2024-2-106.

Non-reviewed article

Jekle, M.: Einsatz pflanzlicher Rohstoffe zur Strukturmodifizierung in Backwaren. Baker’s Day. 2024, 19-06-2024, Bremerhaven, Germany. 


Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Potential of plant-based surfactants to control foam stability and gas retention in gluten-free baked goods. 21st European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, 2024-06-03, Lisbon, Portugal.


Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Texture modulation of 3D printed starch-based materials: Microstructuring through in-situ foaming. 21st European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, 2024-06-03, Lisbon, Portugal.


Zipori, D., Festini, S., Neidhart, S., Jekle, M., Schmidt, H.: Investigation of β-glucan-producing lactic acid bacteria strains for the stabilization of fruit preparations. Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie (DGHM). 02./05.-06-2024, Würzburg, Germany. 


Swiacka, J., Krell, M., Kima, L., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Acrylamide in breads enriched with plant-based additives – a threat in every slice? 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04-25, Nantes, France.


Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Foam stabilization in gluten-free doughs and breads using plant-based surfactants as sustainable solution: a kinetic approach. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04-25, Nantes, France.


Stoll, C., Sacher, B., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: A novel approach for characterizing the proteolytic activity of enzyme-active wheat malts in cereal-based matrix systems. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04.24, Nantes, France. 


Vogt, U.T., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Determining the free liquid phase on dough surface for predicting adhesion properties to production surfaces. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04-23, Nantes, France. 


Jekle, M.: (Keynote) Innovative approaches to address scientific challenges in cereal and dough processing. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04-23, Nantes, France. 


Call, L., Bender, D., Kant, J., Jekle, M., Oberndorfer, H., Wenger-Öhn, G., Schönlechner, R.: Functionalization of sorghum milling fractions for application in European ceral-based staple foods. 17th ICC International Cereal and Bread Congress “Healthy Cereal diets from sustainable food systems”. 2024-04-23, Nantes, France. 


Kant, J., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Modellmaterialien auf Stärke- und Hydrokolloidbasis für 3D-Druckstrukturen – Druckverhalten, variable Texturen und sensorische Kontrolle. GDL-Symposium Hydrokolloide IX, 2024-04-19, Stuttgart-Gerlingen, Germany.


Sukop, U., Höfler, K., Boyaciyan, C., D’Amico, S.,Jekle, M., Schönlechner, R., Domig, K.J., Bender, D.: Effect of wet-fractionation of maize on the efficient arabinoxylan and protein recovery. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2024-04-10, Zagreb, Croatia.


Höfler, K., Reiter, E., D’Amico, S., Jekle, M., Boyaciyan,C., Bender, D, Sukop, U., Schönlechner, R.: Optimization and validation of arabinoxylan quantification in maize, rice and naked oat by acid hydrolysis and HPAEC-PAD applying design of experiments. Investigation of the surface properties of dough for the prediction of adhesion Phenomena. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2024-04-11, Zagreb, Croatia.


Stoll, C., Sacher, B., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: A novel method for proteolytic activity determination of enzyme-active wheat malts in cereal-based matrices. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2024-04-11, Zagreb, Croatia.


Vogt, U.T., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Investigation of the surface properties of dough for the prediction of adhesion Phenomena. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2024-04-11, Zagreb, Croatia.


Swiacka, J., Kima, L., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Various facets of raw material: discrepancy in acrylamide formation in baked goods enriched with potatoes, carrots, and fried onions. 8th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2024-04-10, Zagreb, Croatia.

Fahmy, A.R., Fribus, R., Jekle, M.: Design von Texturen getreidebasierter Lebensmittel mittels 3D-Druck. Der Lebensmittelbrief 03/04 (2024), 54-55.Non-reviewed article
Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Innovative 3D-Druckansätze zur Strukturierung pflanzlicher Lebensmittelsysteme. Der Lebensmittelbrief 03/04 (2024), 56-57.Non-reviewed article
Grebenteuch, S., Voß, A., Swiacka, J., Jekle, M., Rohn, S.: Backwaren mit pflanzlichen Spezialzutaten – Technologische Minimierungsstragien von Acrylamid. Der Lebensmittelbrief 03/04 (2024), 52-53.Non-reviewed article
Vidal, L.M., Alpers, T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Rheokneten: Ein Mikro-Analyseverfahren zur Teig- und Backanalytik. Der Lebensmittelbrief 03/04 (2024), 34-36.Non-reviewed article
Jekle, M.: Traditionelle, innovative und experimentelle Verfahren – (k)eine Frage der Zutatenliste. 23. DGE-BW-Forum - Stark verarbeitete Lebensmittel, 2024-03-14, Stuttgart, Germany.Presentation

Fribus, R., Jekle, M.: Ist der Lebensmittel 3D Druck nur eine vage Idee oder in zehn Jahren bereits der Standard? Workshop. 23. DGE-BW-Forum - Stark verarbeitete Lebensmittel, 2024-03-14, Stuttgart, Germany.


Swiacka, J., Fries, A., Kima, L., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Bewertung der Acrylamidbildung in Brotkrusten anhand eines Modellkrustenprozesses. 12. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung (WIG), 2024-03-06, Freising, Germany.


Stoll, C., Sacher, B., Alpers, T., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: WASI als Tool zur Aufklärung von Mechanismen der α-Amylase in getreidebasierten Lebensmitteln. 12. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung (WIG), 2024-03-05, Freising, Germany.


Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Steuerung der Gashaltefähigkeit von Teigen aus alternativen Rohstoffen. 12. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung (WIG), 2024-03-05, Freising, Germany.


Swiacka, J., Kima, L., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Impact of dough hydration on acrylamide precursors, baking performance and acrylamide levels in potato breads. 61. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Ernährung e.V.: "Ernährung und Alltagsbewätigung - ein Spannungsfeld für Individuum, Haushalt und Gesellschaft", 2024-03-05, Kassel, Germany.


Fribus, R., Strahilov, A., Derossi, A., Reinmuth, E., Jekle, M.: Workshop - Design your own food. New Food Festival, 2024-02-29, Stuttgart, Germany. 


Jekle, M.: Die Zukunft der Ernährung beginnt jetzt. New Food Festival, 2024-02-28, Stuttgart, Germany. 


Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Elevating the gluten-free experience. Baking Europe W (2024). 10-15.

Non-reviewed article
Fahmy, A.R., Derossi, A., Jekle, M.: Four-Dimensional (4D) printing of dynamic foods – definitions, considerations, and current scientific status. Editorial Board Members’ Collection Series "Food Design to Improve Quality and Sensory Aspects of Foods. Foods 12 (2023), 3410 (10.3390/foods12183410). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Vidal, M.L., Ewigmann, H., Schuster, C., Alpers, T., Scherf, K.A., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Microscopic analysis of gluten network development under shear load - combining confocal laser scanning microscopy with rheometry. Journal of Texture Studies (10.1111/jtxs.12796). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Kollemparembil, A.M., Srivastava, S., Zettel, V., Gatternig, B., Delgado, A., Jekle, M., Hitzmann, B.: Application of CO2 gas hydrates as leavening agents in black-and-white cookies. Foods 12 (2023), 2797 (10.3390/foods12142797). Open access.Peer-reviewed article

Zhang, X., Blennow, A., Jekle, M., Zörb, C.: Climate-nutrient-crop model: novel insights into grain-based food quality. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71 (2023), 10228–10237 (10.1021/acs.jafc.3c01076).

Peer-reviewed article
Srivastava, S., Kollemparembil, A.M., Zettel, V., Delgado, A., Jekle, M., Hitzmann, B.: Improving the leavening effect of ice like CO2 gas hydrates by addition of gelling agents in wheat bread. Gels 9 (2023), 223 (10.3390/gels9030223). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Srivastava, S., Kollemparembil, A.M., Zettel, V., Claßen, T., Mobarak, M., Gatternig, B., Delgado, A., Jekle, M., Hitzmann, B.: A Comparative Analysis of Partial Replacement of Yeast with CO2 Gas Hydrates as Leavening Agents in Baking of Wheat Bread. Processes 11 (2023), 653 (10.3390/pr11030653). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Alpers, T., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Strain-dependent assessment of dough’s polymer structure and functionality during the baking process. PLoS ONE 18, e0282670 (10.1371/journal.pone.0282670). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Vogt, U.T., Kwak, J.E., Fahmy, A.R., Laukemper, R., Henrich, A., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Multi-scale dough adhesion analysis: relation between laboratory scale, pilot scale and human sensory. Journal of Texture Studies 54 (2023), 222-236 (10.1111/jtxs.12745). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Wehrli, M., Ini, S., Jekle, M., Kratky, T., Becker, T.: Resilience study of wheat protein networks with Large Amplitude Oscillatory Shear Rheology. LWT 178 (2023), 114596 (10.1016/j.lwt.2023.114596). Open access.Peer-reviewed article
Vidal, L. M., Wittenkamp, T., Benz, J. P., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: A dynamic micro-scale dough foaming and baking analysis – comparison of dough inflation based on different leavening agents. Food Research International 164 (2023), 112342 (10.1016/j.foodres.2022.112342). Peer-reviewed article
Heckl, M.P., Korber, M., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Relation between deformation and relaxation of hydrocolloids-starch based bio-inks and 3D printing accuracy. Food Hydrocolloids 167 (2023), 108326 (10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108326). Peer-reviewed article
Swiacka, J., Jekle, M.: Impact of plant-based ingredients on acrylamide formation in yeast-leavened breads. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Presentation
Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Texture modulation of starch-based materials using microstructuring-assisted additive manufacturing. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Presentation
Stoll, C., Linner, J., Loder, R., Mielchen, M., Sacher, B., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: WASI as a useful tool to identify mechanisms of enzyme active plant-based fractions in food. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Presentation
Fahmy, A.R., Baumgartner, S., Kurz, T., Jekle, M.: Functionalization of yeast proteins from fermentation side-streams for functional food systems. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Poster
Fahmy, A.R., Derossi, A., Jekle, M.: Definitions in 4D printing of dynamic foods - foundational considerations and future prospects for programmable transitions. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Presentation
Jekle, M.: Design of food product based on model systems. 9th International Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology 2023, 2023-11-28, Paris, France.Presentation

Addo, E., Wild, S., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Understanding protein-polysaccharide interactions for the design of food inks for 3D printing. AgriFood Innovation Event 2023, 2023-11-21, Veldhoven, Netherlands

Fribus, R., Fahmy, A. R., Jekle, M.: Additive Fertigung pflanzlicher Lebensmittel: Mikrostrukturierung stärkebasierter Systeme mittels in-situ Aufschäumung. GDL-Fachtagung: Technologische Aspekte der Herstellung vegetarischer und veganer Lebensmittel III, 2023-11-16, Stuttgart-Gerlingen, Germany.Presentation

Fahmy, A.R. and Jekle, M.: Additive Food Processing – Challenges and Perspectives. EHEDG Deutschland Kongress 2023.

Vidal, L.M., Wittkamp, T., Alpers, T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Kleine Probe, großes Wissen – Mehlanalyse im Kleinstmaßstab. Brot+Backwaren 4 (2023), 58-61. Non-reviewed article
Jekle, M., Jekle, M., Fahmy, A.R.: Lebensmittel 3D-Druck – Technologie und Chance für eine zukünftige Ernährung, RFL Rundschau für Fleischhygiene und Lebensmittelüberwachung 5 (2023), 160-162.Non-reviewed article
Schmidt, H., Jekle, M., Beifuß, U., Neidhart, S., Conrad, J.: Innovative Biofruchtzubereitungen mit Exopolysaccharid-bildenden Milchsäurebakterien, Der Lebensmittelbrief (2023), 12-13.Non-reviewed article
Swiacka, J., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Der Beitrag von Karotten und Kartoffeln zur Acrylamidbildung in hefebasierten Weizenbroten. 74. Tagung für Bäckerei-Technologie, 2023-11-14, Detmold, Germany.Presentation
Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Additive manufacturing as a medium for structuring and texturing of plant-based proteins in food assemblies. DGF. The Future of Oilseeds: Prospects for Plant based Proteins?, 2023-10-24, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.Presentation
Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Controlling foam stability in gluten-free doughs by plant-based surfactants. 6th Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages: "Designing Food for Individual Needs and Choices", 2023-10-20, Rome, Italy.Presentation

Jekle, M.: Bedeutung und Modifikation von Mikrostrukturen in Teigen während der Herstellung von Backwaren. Kooperationsseminar Materialcharakterisierung von Lebensmitteln, 2023-10-12, Potsdam, Germany. 

Feller, N., Jekle, M.: Potenzial protein- und saponinreicher Extrakte zur Qualitätsverbesserung glutenfreier Backwaren. 9. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2023-10-05, Detmold, Germany.Presentation
Stoll, C., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Identifizierung der selektiven Wirkung von enzymaktiven Weizenmalz durch den Einsatz eines getreideeigenen Inhibitors. 9. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2023-10-06, Detmold, Germany.Presentation
Swiacka, J., Voß, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S., Jekle, M.: Acrylamidbildung in Backwaren unter Zusatz von Kartoffeln und Karotten. 9. D-A-CH-Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2023-10-06, Detmold, Germany.Presentation

Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: 4D printing of shape-morphing foods: Control of stimulus-driven deformations through protein-starch thermal transitions. 14th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2023-06-22, Nantes, France.


Heckl, M., Alpers, T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: A step towards personalized food – rheological requirements of cereal-based bio-inks for food 3D printing. 14th International Congress on Engineering and Food, 2023-06-22, Nantes, France. 


Jekle, M.: Academic perspective on plant-based proteins. The Green Protein Shift, 2023-05-23, Hohenheim, Germany. 


Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: AM / 3D printing of plant-based proteins: meat analogues in focus. The Green Protein Shift, 2023-05-23, Hohenheim, Germany.

Fahmy, A.R.: Comprehensive methods in the structuring and textural design of food assemblies using additive manufacturing. 16th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology EFCE, 2023-05-10, Copenhagen, DenmarkPresenation

Fribus, R., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Design von Lebensmittelschäumen auf mikro- und makroskopischer Ebene mittels 3D-Druck. GDL-Fachtagung – Texturierung von Lebensmitteln, 2023-04-27, Gerlingen, Germany. 


Addo, E.O., Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Controlling protein-polysaccharide interactions to optimize food ink functionality in additive manufacturing applications. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists Technology Workshop, 2023-04-12, Leuven, Belgium.


Swiacka, J., Jekle, M.: Impact of plant-based ingredients in combination with varied dough hydration on acrylamide formation in yeast-leavened bread. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists Technology Workshop, 2023-04-12, Leuven, Belgium.


Vogt, U.T., Jekle, M.: Dough adhesion phenomena – interactions between dough and contact surface. 20th European Young Cereal Scientists Technology Workshop, 2023-04-12, Leuven, Belgium.


Jekle, M.: Wissenschaftlicher Einblick ins Kneten – was passiert im Innersten des Teiges. Erfa-Kreis Slow-Baking, 2023-04-19, Merklingen, Germany.


Jekle, M.: Prozess-Strategien zur Gewinnung funktionaler Pflanzenproteine. FEI-Kooperationsforum: Charakterisierung, Processing und Einsatz pflanzlicher Proteine – Konzepte für die Lebensmittel von morgen, 2023-04-18, Bonn, Germany. 


Jekle, M.: Wird der Lebensmittel-3D-Druck zur Technologieplattform für unsere zukünftige personalisierte Ernährung. Kompetenzcenter Bioingelligenz - digitale Reihe, 2023-04-14, online.


Vogt, U., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Teigadhäsionsphänomene unter der Lupe - Betrachtung möglicher Interaktionen zwischen Teig und Kontaktfläche. 11. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung, 2023-03-29, Freising, Germany. 


Stoll, C., Alpers, T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Vom Bier zum Brot - Der Einfluss von enzymaktivem Weizenmalz in der Brotherstellung. 11. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung, 2023-03-29, Freising, Germany. 


Vidal, L., Benz, J.P., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Kleine Probe - großes Wissen: Fundamentale Knet- und Backanalytik im Kleinmaßstab. 11. Tagung des Weihenstephaner Instituts für Getreideforschung, 2023-03-28, Freising, Germany. 

Blome, A., Luttmann, M., Jekle, M., Frahm, B., Müller, U.: Untersuchung der räumlichen Verteilung von viskoelastischen Kenngrößen während der Weizenteigbereitung. Jahrestagung der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, 2023-03-15, Bochum, Germany.Presentation

Jekle, M.: Das digitale Brot: Designen wir in Zukunft unsere Brotkrume?
Das 6. Weinheimer Brotforum, 2023-02-07, Weinheim, Germany.

Jekle, M.: Additive Manufacturing zur Analyse und Herstellung von Lebensmitteln. Forschungsseminar ELW der Universität Bonn, 2023-01-23, online.Presentation
Fahmy, A.R., Feller, N., Kant, J., Jekle, M.: Impact of starch-gelatinization on defined deformations of 4D printed shape morphing foods. 6th Symposium on Gluten-Free Cereal Products and Beverages: "Designing Food for Individual Needs and Choices", 2023-10-20, Rome, Italy.Poster
Blome, A., Luttmann, M., Segermann, J., Jekle, M., Frahm, B., Müller, U.: Vorstellung des Projektes „Teig 4.0“ – Prozessoptimierung im Bereich der industriellen Weizenteigverarbeitung. Poster. Jahrestagung der DECHEMA-Fachgruppen Hochdruckverfahrenstechnik und Lebensmittelverfahrenstechnik, 2023-03-15, Bochum, Germany.Poster
Srivastava, S., Kollemparembil, A. M., Zettel, V., Claßen, T., Mobarak, M., Gatternig, B., Delgado, A., Jekle, M., Hitzmann, B.: An Innovative approach in the baking of bread with CO2 gas hydrates as leavening agents. Foods 11 (2022), 3570 (10.3390/foods11223570). Open access.Peer-reviewed Article
Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Texture modulation of starch-based closed-cell foams using 3D printing: deformation behavior beyond the elastic regime. Journal of Texture Studies (2022), (10.1111/jtxs.12729). Open access.Peer-reviewed Article
Alpers, T., Olma, J., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Relation between polymer transitions and the extensional viscosity of dough systems during thermal stabilization assessed by lubricated squeezing flow. Food Chemistry 389 (2022), 133048 (10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.133048).Peer-reviewed Article
Alemneh, S., T., Emire, S. A., Jekle, M., Hitzmann, B.: Effect of refrigerated storage on some physicocemical characteristics of a teff-based fermented beverage and the viability of the fermenting Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus used. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation (2022), e17034 (10.1111/jfp.17034). Open access.Peer-reviewed Article
Laukemper, R., Ochs, A., Wollmannstetter, K., Kugler, F., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Contact area determination between structured surfaces and viscoelastic food materials. LWT 164 (2022), 113664 (10.1016/j.lwt.2022.113664). Open access.  Peer-reviewed Article
Alemneh, S. T., Emire, S. A., Jekle, M., Paquet-Durand, O., von Wrochem, A., Hitzmann, B.: Application of Two-Dimensional Fluorescence Spectroscopy for the On-Line Monitoring of Teff-Based Substrate Fermentation Inoculated with Certain Probiotic Bacteria. Foods 11 (2022), 1171 (10.3390/foods11081171). Open access.Peer-reviewed Article
Vidal, L. M., Braun, A., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Micro-scale shear kneading – Gluten network development under multiple stress-relaxation and evaluation via multiwave rheology. Polymers 14 (2022), 846 (10.3390/polym14040846). Peer-reviewed Article
Brandner, S., Becker, T., & Jekle, M.: Gluten–starch interface characteristics and wheat dough rheology—Insights from hybrid artificial systems. Journal of Food Science (2022), 1– 11. ( Article
Fahmy, A.R., Vogt, U.T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Hardness targeted design and modulation of food textures in the elastic-regime using 3D printing of closed-cell foams in point lattice systems. Journal of Food Engineering 320 (2022), 110942 (10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2022.110942). Peer-reviewed Article
Heckl, M., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: 3D-Druck: Kommt das Brot der Zukunft aus dem 3D-Drucker? In Automatisierung Forschung und Technologie, f2m (2022), 122-131.Book chapter
Maniglia, B. C., Fahmy, A. R., Jekle, M., Le-Bail, P., Le-Bail, A.: Three-Dimensional (3D) Food Printing Based on Starch-Based Inks: Crucial Factors for Printing PrecisionIn Food Printing: 3D Printing in Food Industry, Springer, 2022, 101-140.Book chapter
Fahmy, A.R., Jekle, M.: Texture control and modulation of 3D food assemblies: Bubble distributions for altering the deformation behaviour. AgriFood Innovation Event, 2022-11-24, Eindhoven, The Netherlands.Presentation

Jekle, M.: Potenzial pflanzlicher Rohstoffe und Inhaltsstoffe für Bioinks des Lebensmittel 3D Drucks. Zukunftstage: Pflanzliche Lebensmittel 2022, 2022-11-18, Freising, Germany. 


Heckl, M., Alpers, T., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: 3D-Druck stärkebasierter Materialien zur Herstellung definierter Lebensmitteltexturen. 15. Wissenschaftliches Symposium VGMS, 2022-11-15, Würzburg, Germany. 


Jekle, M., Fahmy, A.R.: Designing mechanical properties of starch-protein-based foods by additive manufacturing. 8th Int. Conference on Food Chemistry & Technology, 2022-10-13, Rome, Italy. 


Voss, A., Mathew, L., Grebenteuch, S., Bauermann, O., Swiacka, J. Jekle, M., Rohn, S.: Technologische Minimierungsstrategien von Acrylamid in Backwaren mit pflanzlichen Spezialzutaten. 50. Deutscher Lebensmittelchemikertag, 2022-09-19, Hamburg, Germany.



Jekle, M.: 3D Druck von Lebensmitteln: sind die Technologie und der Markt schon dazu bereit? GDL Fachtagung: Lebensmitteltechnologie 2030, 2022-09-16, Bremerhaven, Germany.


Wehrli, M., Ini, S., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Mechanical stress properties of the wheat protein network along the production vital gluten. Int'l Symposium on Biopolymers (ISBP), 2022-09-15, Sion, Switzerland.Presentation
Jekle, M., Swiacka, J., Voss, A., Grebenteuch, S., Rohn, S.: Reduction of acrylamide content in baked goods. 12th meeting of the Innovation Group Grains & Baked Goods, 2022-09-13, Bern, Switzerland.Presentation
Blome, A., Luttmann, M., Segermann, J., Jekle, M., Frahm, B., Müller, U.: Process optimisation in the field of wheat dough processing using real-time recording of quality-relevant characteristics in raw materials, intermediates and final products. 33rd VHYC yeast conference, 2022-09-12, Berlin, Germany.Presentation

Voss, A., Mathew, L., Grebenteuch, S., Bauermann, O., Swiacka, J., Jekle, M., Rohn, S.: Technologische Minimierungsstrategien von Acrylamid in Backwaren mit pflanzlichen Spezialzutaten. Lebensmittelchemie 76 (2022), 219 (10.1002/lemi.202259172).

Non-reviewed article
Jekle, M., Fahmy, A.R.: Texture design of cereal foams by 3d food printing. 20th ICC Conference, 2022-07-06, Vienna, Austria.Presentation
Verbauwhede, A., Lambrecht, M.A., Brijs, K., Delcour, J.A., Jekle, M., Fierens, E., Shegay, O.: Importance of the thermoset gluten network for bread macroscopic properties. 20th ICC Conference, 2022-07-06, Vienna, Austria.Presentation
Stoll, C., Sacher, B., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Cloning of the wheat alpha-amylase/subtilisin inhibitor to identify mechanisms of enzymatic active plant-based fractions in food. 19th European Young Cereal Scientists Technology Workshop, 2022-06-06, Valencia, Spain. Presentation
Alemneh, S. T., Emire, S. A., Jekle, M., Paquet-Durand, O., Hitzmann, B.: Development of fermented teff-based probiotic beverage and its process monitoring using two-dimensional fluorescence spectroscopy. Proceedings 69 (2022). The 1st International Electronic Conference on Process: Processes System Innovation, 2022-05-30, online (10.3390/ECP2022-12650).Presentation

Brandner, S. Becker, T., Jekle, M., Ozcelik, M., Först, P.: Simplification and standardization of wheat flour/dough processing by the potential of electric fields. 7th Cereals & Europe Spring Meeting, 2022-04-6/8, Thessaloniki, Greece. 

Brandner, S., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Impact of the particle-polymer interface on small- and large-scale deformation response in protein- and carbohydrate-based food matrices. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 191 (2021), 51-59 (10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.09.048).Peer-reviewed Article

Heckl, M., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Will we 3D print the bread of the future? In Automation Science and Technology by f2m (2021), 113-120.

Alpers, T., Paulik, S., Becker, T., Jekle, M., Reichenberger, K., Lutz-Wahl, S., Fischer, L., Rebholz, G., Scherf, K. A.: Aktivität exogener Enzyme in Backwaren. Brot+Backwaren 5 (2021), 56-62Article

Jekle, M.: Stabilisierung von Fruchtzubereitungen unter Verwendung von Exopolysaccharid-bildenden Milchsäurebakterien. BGS-Professoren-Treff 2021, 2021-11-25, Cologne, Germany.  


Jekle, M.: 3D food printing – an emerging technology delivers insights in traditional food science. 3D Food Printing Conference, 2021-11-23, online.


Jekle, M.: Impulsvortrag: Pflanzliche Lebensmittel – unsere Ernährungsversorgung der Zukunft. 14. Wissenschaftliches Symposium VGMS, 2021-11-09, Würzburg, Germany. 


Jekle, M.: Aeration and texturization of gluten-free food systems. EFFoST International Conference, 2021-11-04, Lausanne, Switzerland. 


Wehrli, M.C., Kratky, T., Schopf, M., Scherf, K.A., Becker, T., Jekle, M.: Advancing in gluten network tailoring by defining its thermal limits. EFFoST International Conference, 2021-11-03, Lausanne, Switzerland. 


Jekle, M., Brandner, S., Kratky, T., Becker, T.: Hybride Teigsysteme zur Imitation von Stärke- Gluten Interaktionen – Einfluss der Stärkeoberfläche auf die Teigrheologie. 7. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2021-09-30, Vienna, Germany.


Heckl, M., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Einsatz von Hydrokolloiden in stärke-basiertem Lebensmittel 3D Druck zur Strukturstabilisierung. 7. D-A-CH Tagung für angewandte Getreidewissenschaften, 2021-09-30, Vienna, Germany.

Wehrli, M.C., Kratky, T., Schopf, M., Scherf, K.A., Jekle, M., Becker, T.: Thermal limits of gluten: Stressing the structural and functional properties (Poster). 4th Food structure and functionality symposium, 2021-10-17/20, online.Poster

Scientific Theses Completed

Tamer Yigit AlemdarCharacterization of the deformation behavior or 3D printed plant-based matrices
Sarah BaumgartnerFunctionalization of yeast proteins
Larissa BalchFoaming properties of plant extracts
Sarah BraunCharacterization of enzymatic-induced protein-arabinoxylan-networks based on rice
Benedict BraunDevelopment of a requirement profile for the rheological assessment of fruit preparations
Ronja BrünigOptimization of the texture of protein gels for plant-based cheese alternatives
Simona BuchholzExtraction of amaranth-protein 
Natalie Feller Extraction and foaming properties of surface-active plant materials
Robert FribusProperties of 3D-printed starch-based materials
Alena FriesDevelopment and validation of a laboratory oven for targeted crust formation
Miriam HelfertVolume and time dependet effect of heat exposure on acrylamide formation in starch-based products
Hanna HörmannQuality standards and consumer preferences of gluten-free baking mixes and products: Evaluation and comparison of commercially available products
Diana JungRheological evaluation of target ranges for flow behavior and shear stability in fruit preparations
Viktoria KaiserInfluence of various carrot processing methods on their physical and chemical properties and acrylamide formation in baked goods
Jana KantNutritional upgrading of food materials for 3D printing
Laura KimaImpact of plant-based ingredients in combination with varied dough hydration, and processing methods on acrylamide content in yeast-leavened bread
Marius KnorzCharacterization of geometric transitions of 4D printed protein-starch gels
Barbara KöhlerFunctionalization of plant proteins
Madeleine Krell

Influence of hydration on the acrylamide content and quality of baked goods enriched with roasted onions

Valeria KrügerAssessment of the suspensibility of fruit pieces in fruit preparations
Lugas KugeleDevelopment of an innovative technology for coffee cherry processing based on processing of various stone fruits
Emily LinInfluence of grinding on the physicochemical properties of rice fractions
Carolin MatthesEffects of ultrasound treatment on plant-based ingredients and acrylamide formation in bakery products
Magdalena MüllerDetermination of Detection Limits of Hydrocolloids using HPAEC-PAD
Divya SahuRheology and 3D-printability of proteins with different fiber-based inks
Natalie SchneiderExctraction of millet-proteins
Laura SchrammImproving gas holding capacity in gluten-free Food matrices by plant saponins and proteins
Pauline SeidelInvestigation of the functional properties of soy and yeast protein
Mahmudo SiddikalEffect of pH changes on flow behavior, gelling and rheological properties of plant-based gel systes with anthocyanin
Paul SteinhardtGelling behaviour of proteins
Mark WallischDetection and quantification of carbohydrates in fruit purees and preparations
Marlies WalterInvestigating the impact of rice bran and bran components on gluten-free starch model breads
Paulina WelzenbachFunctionalization of yeast proteins
Sarah Wild

3D printing of soy-protein-based gels

Louisa WötzelInfluence of different hydration strategies of dry carrot strips on acrylamide formation in baked goods

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